Resolving the Hubble Tension with a Late Dark Energy Modification to the ΛCDM Model

Daniel E. Friedmann *

Solutum Technologies Ltd., Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The Hubble tension arises from the difference between direct measurements of the Hubble constant and indirect measurements based on a cosmological model. This discrepancy has been confirmed with increasing precision, suggesting a potential issue with the current cosmological model. The simplest Lambda Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) model, which incorporates a cosmological constant associated with dark energy, provides a good fit for a wide range of cosmological data. In this paper, we propose a modification to the ΛCDM model, hypothesizing that dark energy within gravitationally bound structures does not significantly affect the expansion of space within them. We test this hypothesis by modifying the ΛCDM model accordingly. We simulate this modified ΛCDM model and compare it against both direct and indirect measurements of the Hubble constant. Our results indicate that this modification resolves the Hubble tension, providing a strong fit to both direct and indirect measurements of the Hubble constant.

Keywords: Cosmological constant, cosmological models, cosmological parameters, dark energy, Hubble constant, Hubble tension

How to Cite

Friedmann, Daniel E. 2025. “Resolving the Hubble Tension With a Late Dark Energy Modification to the ΛCDM Model”. International Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Journal 7 (1):1-14.


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