Baryon Symmetry and the Lead of Antimatter Over Matter in A Stress-Free Universe
John A. T. Bye *
School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
An analysis is presented, based on the exponential stress-free model of the universe [1], in which it is shown that the rate of production of particle matter is equal to the rate of production of antimatter, which is consistent with baryon symmetry. In addition, the observed ratio of particle matter mass to total mass in the universe under baryon symmetry is used to consider the timing of the increase of matter and antimatter in the expanding universe, and it is found that, the antimatter signal leads the ordinary matter signal by about 2/3 of the time constant for the antimatter annihilation. It is also shown that the annihilation process is responsible for the initial expansion rate of the universe, and the ratio of particle mass to total mass in the universe
Keywords: Net-zero stress evolution of the universe, baryon symmetry, particle to total mass ratio of the universe
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